A grid starts out orderly, but a programmed error disrupts it, growing stronger and reshaping the pattern. This cascading error transforms structure into unexpected forms, showcasing how small changes can lead to compelling and unpredictable outcomes.
Two lines are connected through interpolated points, generating additional lines between them. The result is a sequence of layered visuals, resembling folded paper or overlapping surfaces. It’s a study in precision, repetition, and the elegance of transition.
Randomly generated squares are repeated in a 3D space, printed with white ink on black paper. The stark contrast highlights the depth and movement within the composition, creating a striking visual experience from simple forms.
Four overlapping noise fields create distinct flow lines, each with unique colors and tamper settings. These tampers adjustments in line rotation and the warmth or coolness of colors give each field a distinct character. As the lines blend during printing, new colors emerge, forming a rich, layered composition that balances control and serendipity.
Using paint with a pen plotter is an exercise in experimentation. Each brushstroke combines the precision of programming with the unpredictable textures of fresh paint, blending machine logic with artistic spontaneity.
Barcodes lose their functional purpose to become intricate, fine-line designs on gray recycled paper. Their structured patterns transform into abstract visuals, revealing unexpected beauty in what’s usually overlooked.
A hacked inkjet printer takes on a new role, fitted with pens to create unpredictable visuals. Its limited controls make every print an adventure, balancing between intention and the machine’s quirks, turning constraints into creative possibilities.